“Global Markets Tumble: Fitch Downgrades US Debt – A 2023 Overview”



Global markets experienced a significant downturn on Wednesday, following the decision by Fitch, a leading rating agency, to downgrade the US credit rating. The agency cited a “steady deterioration in standards of governance” and the increasing debt burden of the US government as the primary reasons for this decision.

Global markets

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Impact on Global Markets
  3. The Reason Behind the Downgrade
  4. The Reaction of Major Investors
  5. The View of Goldman Sachs
  6. FAQs
  7. Conclusion

The Impact on Global Markets

The news of the downgrade sent shockwaves through global markets. Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 index had its worst day of the year, ending down 2.3%, while Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index closed down 2.5%. European stocks also took a hit, with the region’s benchmark Stoxx 600 index falling 1.4% to its lowest level in two weeks.

MarketPercentage Drop
Nikkei 2252.3%
Hang Seng2.5%
Stoxx 6001.4%

The Reason Behind the Downgrade

Fitch’s decision to downgrade the US debt rating from AAA to AA+ was driven by concerns over the “expected fiscal deterioration over the next three years, a high and growing general government debt burden, and the erosion of governance.” The agency also pointed to the repeated debt limit standoffs and last-minute resolutions as evidence of this erosion.

The Reaction of Major Investors

China and Japan, the largest foreign investors in American government debt, together own $2 trillion, more than a quarter of the $7.6 trillion in US Treasury securities held by foreign countries. Despite the downgrade, there is no indication that these major investors will be forced to sell their holdings.

The View of Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs analysts, in a research note, stated that they do not believe there will be any meaningful forced selling of Treasury securities due to the downgrade. They pointed to the 2011 downgrade by S&P, which, while negatively impacting sentiment, did not result in apparent forced selling.


1. What is the impact of a credit rating downgrade?
A credit rating downgrade can lead to a fall in the value of a country’s currency and make it more expensive for the government to borrow money.

2. Why did Fitch downgrade the US credit rating?
Fitch cited a steady deterioration in standards of governance and the American government’s growing debt burden as the reasons for the downgrade.

3. How did the downgrade affect global markets?
The downgrade led to significant drops in global stock markets, with Japan’s Nikkei 225 and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng indices experiencing significant losses.


The downgrade of the US credit rating by Fitch has had a significant impact on global markets. However, major investors like China and Japan, as well as financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, do not foresee a forced sell-off of US Treasury securities. The long-term implications of this downgrade remain to be seen.


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