Two Supermoons and One Rare Blue Moon in 2023: A Celestial Spectacle


Two Supermoons and One Rare Blue Moon


In 2023, the skywatchers are in for a treat with two supermoons and a rare blue moon gracing the night sky. These celestial events provide a unique opportunity for photographers and astronomy enthusiasts alike.

super moon blue moon

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Sturgeon Moon
  3. The Blue Supermoon
  4. The Harvest Supermoon
  5. FAQs
  6. Conclusion

The Sturgeon Moon

The Sturgeon Moon, named by Native American tribes for the large number of sturgeon fish caught in the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain during this period, is one of the supermoons of 2023. It was visible on August 2nd, illuminating the night sky with its brilliance. The moon appeared larger and brighter than usual, making it a spectacular sight to behold. Learn more about the Sturgeon Moon.

The Blue Supermoon


The Blue Supermoon, a rare celestial event, occurred on August 31st. Despite its name, the Blue Moon isn’t actually blue. The term refers to the second full moon in a calendar month, a phenomenon that only happens every two to three years, known as a “seasonal blue moon.” This year, the Blue Moon was also a supermoon, making it an even rarer occurrence. Discover more about the Blue Moon.

The Harvest Supermoon

The Harvest Supermoon is the last of the Supermoons in 2023. Traditionally known as the Harvest Moon because it provided extra light for farmers harvesting their crops in the evening, this supermoon is set to appear on September 30th. The Harvest Supermoon promises to be a grand celestial event to round off the trio of supermoons


Q: What is a supermoon?
A: A supermoon occurs when a full moon coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual.

Q: How often do supermoons occur?
A: Supermoons generally occur a few times a year. In 2023, there are three supermoons.

Q: What is a blue moon and why is it called that?
A: A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month. It’s called a “blue moon” because it’s a rare event, hence the phrase “once in a blue moon.”


The year 2023 is indeed a special year for moon watchers with two supermoons and a rare blue moon. These celestial events not only provide a visual spectacle but also remind us of the fascinating world beyond our own planet. Don’t miss the upcoming Harvest Supermoon on September 30th!


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